Pink Candle Love Spell

Pink candle
Use a pink candle spell to attract love.

Is your love life sagging and in need of a lift? Try casting a pink candle love spell. A little white magic just might work wonders for you!

Simple Pink Candle Love Spell

If you're hoping to attract your true love, make sure you conduct this ritual with a positive attitude, a pure intent and an open heart. You want to make yourself the perfect channel for loving energy.

To begin, you will need a new, unused pink candle, a white piece of paper and a pen in your favorite color. Sit in a peaceful spot where you will not be disturbed by worldly distractions. Try to clear your mind from all thoughts of the day and let your mind be open and free from all negativity. If you aren't open to love, your spell will have no chance of working. Make sure that you remove all blocks from your mind, and then you will ready to begin the love spell ritual.

  1. On a Friday night, light your pink candle.
  2. Write your first name and the last name of your intended lover on a piece of white paper.
  3. Draw one circle around both names.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on the two of you together. Visualize the happiness you will feel and the love you will share together.
  5. Repeat the following spell three times: "Our fate is sealed. We are one so mote it be. It is done."
  6. Keep watch over your pink candle for at least 15 minutes or until it burns out, if possible. Always be sure that your candle is extinguished completely before leaving it unattended. You can snuff it out, but don't blow it out.
  7. You may wish to use a large pink candle and repeat the spell every night for seven consecutive nights.

More Pink Candle Spells for Romance

Sometimes you need to find just the right ritual to give your spell the best chance to work. Here are a few sites that offer more love spells you can try.

Significance of the Color Pink

In white magic spells, the vibrations of various candle colors can help your spells turn out the way you want. The color pink is associated with Venus, the goddess of love. It is the symbol of love and friendship, and it raises positive vibrations.

If you cast a spell using a pink candle, you will attract the love and friendship of the person you desire. Pink candles can be used to cast spells for forming partnerships, peace, finding unconditional love, attracting spiritual love and for healing. Pink candles can also be burned during rituals designed to improve loving ones self. They are ideal for weddings and for all forms of emotional unions.

Your Chances of Finding Love

Will your love spell work? No one can promise you anything, but how effective your spell can be has a lot to do with what you put into it. If you cast this spell on a whim and don't put any serious thought or feeling into it, you're probably going to be disappointed. On the other hand, if you approach the ritual with sincerity and pour your heart into it, you might be pleasantly surprised to find love come knocking on your door.

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Pink Candle Love Spell