6 Love Spells With Pictures That Are Easy, but Effective

Updated March 16, 2021
5 love spell

A love spell with pictures is powerful when used with candle magic. A candle love spell with pictures will light the way for you and the one you love to come together.

How to Cast a Love Spell With Pictures

When you cast a love spell with a picture, the general rule of thumb is to use good quality pictures to give your magic the best opportunity to work. However, some expert spellcasters believe that the ancient practice of drawing a representation of yourself and your loved one is still perfectly acceptable in lieu of a photo. After all, with magic intent is everything. That said, in the modern world, the majority of people casting spells prefer to use clear photo images.

Love Spells Using Pictures and Candles

While you can cast a love spell without a candle, adding candle magic to your spellwork will ignite your spell with a supercharged energy. The intensity of the flame's power is a perfect vehicle for your love spell with pictures.

How to Cast a Love Spell With a Picture, Candle, and Red Rose

You can cast a love spell with a picture, candle, and red rose. You want to use a live, fresh rose, preferably a long-steam red rose.

Supplies Needed

  • Picture of one you desire
  • 1 pink votive candle and candleholder
  • 1 tablespoon olive or coconut oil
  • 1 red rose


  1. Anoint candle with olive or coconut oil and place in candleholder.
  2. Place picture on altar or table in front of candle.
  3. Light the candle.
  4. Pick up the rose.
  5. Gently remove one rose petal at a time, placing each one around the photo to frame it.
  6. Repeat the following chant each time you remove a petal from the rose:
    "With each petal, I reveal my love for you."
  7. When you reach the last petal, place it over the heart area of your love in the picture and repeat:
    "I give my heart to you (insert full name of person),
    and bid you accept it
    as I have accepted you into my heart,
    This is my wish,
    This is my heart's desire
    I bid you accept my love for you."
  8. Allow the candle to self-extinguish.
  9. Place the candle remnants, rose petals, and picture in a glass jar and store in a private secure space.
  10. If your love is accepted by the one you desire, you should know within a few days.
Red rose and candles

Seven-Fridays Candle Love Spell With a Picture

In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of sex and love. Friday is the day that's ruled by the planet Venus. You'll want to perform your spell on seven consecutive Fridays. This spell requires you to use a photo of the person in a relaxed pose and not a staged pose like a portrait. This type of picture creates a "now moment" that captures the person's essence and personality in a natural, uninhibited setting to give your spell more power.

You will cast this spell for seven Fridays in a row, using the same seven-day candle. You'll need to commit to the same time each Friday to cast your spell. If you skip one Friday or start at the wrong time, you'll need to start your spellwork over.

Supplies Needed

  • Picture of you (relaxed pose)
  • Picture of the one you love (relaxed pose)
  • Seven-day red candle
  • Red ribbon about 8"-10" long
  • Ruler
  • Permanent marker
  • Matches or lighter


  1. Wash the outer glass candle holder with soap and water to remove negative energies.
  2. Rinse and dry the glass with a clean piece of paper towel or cloth.
  3. Make sure the glass is completely dry before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Use the ruler and permanent marker to divide and mark the candle height into seven equal segments.
  5. You will burn the candle each Friday until it melts down to the next mark.
  6. You'll snuff out the candle flame. (Never blow out the candle since this will undo the spell.)
  7. Choose a place where the pictures and candle won't be disturbed, such as your altar or a shelf.

Set candle and cast spell:

  1. Place the candle in the center of your altar or shelf.
  2. Set the pictures on opposite sides of the candle.
  3. Each picture should be the same distance from the candle.
  4. Clear your mind and visualize being with the person you desire.
  5. Light the candle and repeat the following:
    "I welcome you into the light cast by my love for you.
    Accept my offer of love and trace it back to my flame.
    I give my love freely to you, no strings attached
    just the flame of my love to guide you to me should you accept my gift of love."
  6. Each Friday before you cast the spell, move the pictures closer to the candle.
  7. On the seventh Friday, you will place the two pictures side by side in front of the candle.
  8. Allow the candle to burn down and self-extinguish.
  9. Put the pictures together, face to face.
  10. Wrap the ribbon around the pictures and secure by tying a small bow.
  11. Place the empty glass candle and pictures into a red cloth bag or wrap them with a red cloth.
  12. Bury the red bag or cloth containing the items in an area like a meadow, forest, or garden space that you cherish.
  13. If the one you love accepts your gift of love, your spell should manifest by the eighth Friday.
Burning red candle in a glass jar viewed directly from above

Simple Picture Love Spell

While candles can give you that extra power boost for your spell, you don't have to use a candle to cast a spell. For example, if you have enough personal power, you can cast a simple spell using just the picture of the one you've fallen in love with.


  1. Hold the picture of the person you love in front of you.
  2. Focus on their face.
  3. Clear your mind and visualize being with the person you love.
  4. Include as many details as you can. For example, you want to feel the wind blowing through your hair. You can smell and hear the ocean, feel your hand clasping his/her hand, and feel the sand and water underneath your feet as the two of you walk along the beach. Listen to the conversation you have with the one you desire as you sit on the beach, watching the sunset.
  5. Once you have this visualization firmly held in your mind, repeat the following three times:
    "This is what I desire,
    May my desire for you manifest
    as I have envisioned."
Man looking at old pictures

Herbs Love Spell With a Picture

A love spell using herbs, essential oil of rose, and a sandalwood incense stick is easy to cast. You'll need a picture of the person you desire.

Supplies Needed

  • Picture of the person desired
  • 1 drop of rose essential oil
  • 1 tsp of dried basil
  • 1 sandalwood incense stick and incense holder
  • White piece of paper
  • Red ink pen
  • Fireproof bowl
  • Matches or lighter


  1. Light the incense and place in the holder.
  2. Turn the picture face down and place one drop of rose essential oil on the back of the picture. Turn the picture face up and repeat:
    "Like the opening bud of a rose is my growing love, and so I connect with you."
  3. Write your desire on the paper using the red ink pen.
  4. Place the magic love herb of dried basil in the center of the paper and create a pouch by gathering and twisting the ends together.
  5. Pick up the pouch and hold it over the flame. As soon as it catches on fire, place the paper pouch in the fireproof bowl.
  6. Hold the picture, so the smoke encircles it, careful not to let it catch on fire.
  7. Say the full name of the person you desire and repeat the following:

    "Let the burning embers of my love melt away all obstacles,
    Receive my message of love and devotion.
    Return my message of love with genuine affection and love.
    I'm yours.
    Accept my love."

  8. Allow the candle and incense to burn down and self-extinguish.
  9. Take the candle and ash remnants to an open meadow, or other outdoor green space.
  10. Throw the remnants into the air to set your love free, unbound and unbridled.
  11. If your love is destined, the person you love will respond within three days.
Essential oils and picture

Easy Love Spell With Pictures, Flowers, and Candle

An unrequited love spell with pictures, candle magic, and flowers issues an invitation to your love interest to look at you in a different way. This love spell gives the one you love new insight, so they can look at you through the lens of love.

Two Photos Needed

  • Picture of person you love
  • Picture of yourself

Supplies Needed

  • Votive candle (color of your choosing) and candleholder
  • 8" of ribbon, same color as candle
  • 1 drop dandelion (flower essence)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sheet of red, green or pink paper
  • Red ink pen
  • Envelope to hold pictures (red, green, or pink)
  • Plastic gloves (to anoint candle)
  • Cotton swab (optional)
  • Matches or lighter
Looking through snapshots from the past


You will cast this spell on a Friday. You should also time your spell according to the lunar cycle. Ideally, you want to cast your spell within three days of the new moon or the night of a full moon.

  1. Don the disposable gloves and mix the anointing oil of olive oil and one drop of dandelion flower essence (carries your words to your love).
  2. Anoint/dress candle then place in candle holder.
  3. Light the candle.
  4. Use the red pen to write onto the back of his/her picture: "I'm yours," followed by your name.
  5. On the back of your picture write, "I'm yours," followed by his/her name.
  6. Place your picture so it is face to face with your love's picture.
  7. Tie the two pictures together with the ribbon.
  8. Slip the pictures with the red ribbon still intact into the envelope and seal it with wax from the candle.
  9. Hold the sealed envelope in front of you and repeat:
    "Hear my voice and see me in front of you,
    Feel the love I have for you,
    Consider me as someone you can love,
    Recognize me and that I am yours,
    See me and hear me with your heart open to my love."

  10. Place the envelope in a secure place that only you know about.

  11. Allow the candle to burn down and self-extinguish.

  12. Place the remnants of the candle and ashes from your message in a glass jar.

  13. Bury the jar in a place that you consider romantic and special.

Flowers and Candle Spell for Unrequited Love

Most love spells bind the person to you against his or her will. A picture candle spell can help you connect with authentic feelings by opening the channels of love and issuing an invitation to the person to look at you differently through the lens of love.

Supplies Needed

There are few things you'll need to cast this spell.

  • Photo of the person you love
  • Photo of yourself
  • Votive candle (color of your choosing) and candle holder
  • 8" of ribbon the same color as candle
  • 4 drops of African Violet (flower essence)
  • 2 drops of Columbine (flower essence)
  • 2 drops of Daffodil (flower essence)
  • 1/8 cup of Olive oil
  • 1 tsp of Fennel seeds (dried and crushed)
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Fireproof bowl
  • Piece of paper (same color as candle and ribbon)
  • Rose incense stick and incense holder
  • White ink pen or pencil
  • Envelope large enough to accommodate photos (red, white, green or pink)
  • Plastic gloves
  • Cotton swab (optional)
  • Matches or lighter


You'll want to perform your spell on a Friday. The lunar time should fall within the three days after a new moon or the night of a full moon, whichever first falls on a Friday.

1. Grind Fennel Seeds

The fennel seeds will shake the person you love awake so they can notice you. Place the dried seeds in the mortar and grind into a powder with the pestle. Set aside to use later in your spell.

2. Dressing the Candle

Mix the olive oil with two drops each of dandelion and daffodil flower essence.

  • Dandelion flower essence will carry your words to the one you love.
  • Daffodil flower essence is used as a gift of love to Anael, the Prince of Archangels who reigns over the Friday angels. Friday is also the day assigned to Venus, the goddess of love.

You can apply the oil to the candle using your hands, wearing a pair of gloves or a cotton swab. Cover the candle with the oil and place in the holder.

3. Cast Your Spell

The flower essence of African violets will open and enhance the channels of love between you and the object of your desire. Before you start, place two drops on the inside of both your wrists and rub lightly into your skin.

  • Light the incense and set in the holder, placing it close to the candle.
  • Close your eyes and envision the one you love smiling at you. As you light the candle, say the person's name out loud followed by, "Hear me. See me." Repeat your full name.

4. Write Your Message

On the paper you selected, using the white pen or pencil, write: "Open your heart and see me."

  • Sign your full name after the message.
  • Turn the paper over and write the full name of the one you love.
  • Use a tsp of the powdered fennel and place it in the center of the paper message side up.
  • Gather the corners of the paper and twist together to contain the fennel powder.

5. Photo of Your Beloved

Take the photo of the one you love and turn it face down. Place two drops of columbine flower essence on the back. This flower sends your message to the object of your desire, similar to sending a text message.

6. Burn Your Message

Hold the paper pouch over the flame to catch fire and place in the bowl to burn freely. Hold the photo of your love so the smoke from the burning paper covers it and say:

Hear my voice and see me in front of you,

Feel the love I have for you,

Consider me as someone you can love,

Recognize me and that I am yours,

See me and hear me with an open heart filled with love.

7. Tie Photos Together

On the back of your photo, write with the white pen or pencil the name of your love followed by "I'm yours." Place your photo so it is face to face to your love's photo. Tie the two photos together with the ribbon and slip into the envelope.

8. Seal With Wax

Using melted wax from the candle, drip a small amount over the envelope flap to seal it.

  • Place the envelope in a secure place that only you know exists.
  • Allow the candle to burn and place it and the ashes in a glass jar to bury.

If the universe agrees with your desire and your object of love agrees, you will have a fast response to your spell within a day or two.

When Can You Expect Results?

For your spell to work, the universe must agree with your desire and the person you love must agree. If both of these forces are willing, then you'll receive a fast response to your spell within three days. Never attempt to force someone to love you against their will. This kind of spell never works out and can quickly backfire on you.

Unbound by Love Spell With Pictures

A love spell with pictures can be cast with or without candle magic. A love spell with pictures can work when the person you desire is open to a love relationship.

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6 Love Spells With Pictures That Are Easy, but Effective